Wednesday, September 13, 2006

what if someone gave a party and no one came…..

i have been contemplating the vast array of blogs on the internet and the insignificance of my little piece of immortality. it occurred to me, without advertising and pumping all my friends and acquaintances to check out my blog, it might very well die a very sad, lonely fate, much like the old man without friends who is found in his home weeks after his death.

it begs the question, “if you have an opinion but no one hears it, does it have any value?”

seriously, what is the point of the common blog? is it to gain the attention, both famous and notorious, of dozens (hopefully hundreds) of anonymous strangers? is it to put forth your values and ideals when you have no other means of expression, no hope of being published on a grander scale? or is it to push an agenda that is found no where else in hopes of drawing more anonymous strangers to your site and more disciples to your cause?

today i read an announcement that air america radio (aar) will fill for bankruptcy reorganization on friday. this is something i am quite certain all the neo conservatives will be peeing their pants over while causing the liberals and progressives to hang their heads in defeat once more. while it is a disappointment, it is not the end of the road.

unlike the anonymous faceless blog (like this one), there is an audience for air america – a growing one, in fact. progressive talk shows are gaining audiences, and new stations, every week. two such stations turned progressive in my little corner of the world just this year. ed schultz, stephanie miller and bill press are three examples of shows that have no ties to aar and yet are doing quite nicely. and the ratings growth of countdown with keith olbermann has shown that americans have had more than enough of the o'reilly factor.

the idea of progressive radio (like progressive thought and liberal ideals), is not dead - not by a long shot - no matter how much the likes of limbaugh and o’reilly proclaim. we forget that while limbaugh has been on the air since 1988, he began with only one station. aar has, unfortunately, had several problems with management and securing capital but may yet find their footing.

the democratic party has been napping for the past forty years, secure in the assumption that they were the party of choice and were invincible. they got caught with their guard down and have been paying for it ever since. the nightmare that we call the bush administration has been in the planning stages for the past forty years. this is not something that has happened overnight, and it is not something the democrats can hope to smash in just eight years. the neocon movement is a well-oiled machine; savvy in their talking points and smooth in their delivery. as the saying goes: a lie told often enough becomes the truth.

this is not the time to moan over what might have been - al gore as president; a working congress that has the people in mind instead of corporations; universal health care; a strong economy; a surplus in the national budget; young men and women coming home from their tour of duty on two strong legs instead of in a body bag. this is the time to speak out for what you believe in, shouting it from the mountaintops if need be. this is the time for courage and solidarity. there will be plenty of time for fighting among the ranks once the majority rule is regained.

what if someone gave a party and no one came? the democrats, liberals and progressives need to ask themselves:

"what if someone had an idea to make things better but were too afraid to say it aloud – does it still have value?"

Until the party speaks up and takes a stand we may never know.


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