sick and tired
as of late i am feeling tired. very tired.i try to stay atop of all the blogs and news posts but my heart just isn't in it lately. i hate to label it as being discouraged but that is exactly what it feels like. even though all the polls point to a democratic victory in the senate and possibly the house this november, i keep having flashbacks to two previous elections.
the elections in 2000 and 2004 are still painfully vivid in my mind - the polls all pointing to a democratic victory and then the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when i realized it was not going to happen.
the recent news of problems with voting machines in three large democratic districts in virginia, the multi-million dollar bankrolling of attack ads across the country, the predictable use of last minute pork to swing votes to the republican party - it just never seems to end. and it is all done in an attempt to keep one political party in total control of the government.
our 'commander in chief' has even taken to outright lying by saying that he never said "stay the course" in iraq. just how gullible does he really think americans are about iraq?
the loss of habeas corpus; the outsourcing of millions of jobs; the virtual destruction of the middle class - - how much more are americans going to take? and should the republicans find a way to steal some elections this year, would we, as good citizens, be willing to take to the streets and protest the further destruction of the constitution and our rights like they do in mexico, kyrgyzstan, zambia and the ukraine?
the proof is yet to be seen.
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