congress to america: bend over and take it like a man
just when it appeared that some sanity and credibility was returning to the senate and house of representatives, the republicans have thrown a monkey wrench into the wheels of progress...and the democrats are going to let them get away with it.
senator robert byrd stopped an attempt by senator judd gregg to add an amendment allowing line item vetos to the ethics bill on thursday night. a compromise so that amendment would be added to a bill on Monday. apparently, it was agreed upon and the ethics bill was approved 96 - 2.
now here comes the bad news. it was decided that the line item veto amendment would be added to the senate bill on minimum wage increases.
what's the punchline to this joke?
there is absolutely no way that any bill containing a line item veto amendment is ever going to be passed. ever. dare we even imagine how much damage the chimpster could do if he had this power?
so who pays the price for this compromise? the same people who have been paying the last ten years. the poverty line is now $9,570 per year for a single person, $12,830 for a two person family (according to the dept. of health & human services). a person working at the minimum wage rate of $5.15 per hour earns $10,712 before taxes and social security - and yet the conservatives in this country say there shouldn't even be a minimum wage. just let the marketplace control set wage levels according to demand, so their argument goes.
as one wise economist pointed out, if the minimum wage goes up in new york, mcdonalds and wal-mart don't pack up and move across the state line to pennsylvania. currently there are thirty states (according to the dept. of labor) that have higher standard rates for wages than the feds - and i'm sure there is no shortage of fast food restaurants and big box stores in those states. a stagnant minimum wage will ensure more credit card companies higher profits as individuals and families continue to use the plastic to make ends meet, and more families will be unable to afford basic necessities like purchasing a home. the economy will in all likelihood continue towards a recession while big corporations rake in big profits from shipping jobs overseas.
no one complains about corporate welfare. you know, the subsidies handed out in the form of tax breaks and government loans that never seem to be repaid. but god forbid the working class catches a break in the form of a raise.
if our newly elected senate is going to make a compromise, why does it have to come at the expense of the minimum wage increase? last time i checked, they never seem to have a problem voting themselves a pay increase.
Since the Supreme Court ruled that the line item veto was unconstitutional, just what the HELL do they think they're doing?
Why aren't the Dems calling them on this?
I think they should increase the minimum wage to fifty bucks an hour.
Who's with me?
whatchoo talkin 'bout willis?
Why is this place starting to look like "Ranch Lite"?
Tastes great and fewer calories.
Beeeeecause we're stalking you?
That would have been my second guess.
You don't want to know my first idea.
Because we'll never find the missing shoes without you, and will pester you until you decide to help with that again?
I keep telling you,
They're too small. I blame Clinton.
What about my pants?
Pants? What pants??
*looks away to avoid eye contact*
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