Saturday, January 27, 2007

Random Thoughts

What’s in a Name?
The chimpster-in-chief changed his title from “The Decider” to “The Decisionmaker”, this week. Yeah, that’ll give him more credibility.

Wonder if Turdblossom and the Dark Lord wishes he’d get permanent laryngitis.

Tool of the Decade

Hands down, this one goes to John McCain. Is it possible for this man to sink any lower in order to be elected President? If getting the job required McCain to suck the cock of every voting male in the United States, I’m beginning to think he’d do it.

He’s already sold his soul. What’s wrong with a little self-degradation?

Not Here, Not Now
Hillary cannot win the Presidency. Or at least she shouldn’t.

I have nothing against Hill personally. I have voted for her, once. Yes, I think she is capable and would do an admirable job. And we would get Bill as part of the package. But here’s the problem: the “vast right wing conspiracy” group, that made us all miserable for eight years, are already firing up their engines. Think how little she will be able to accomplish if there is a republican majority in the House and Senate. It's like the song, Every breath you take, every move you make... I'll be watching you. She won't be able to go to the bathroom without someone reporting on it.

Yes, a woman can and eventually will be elected to the highest office in our country. Just not Hillary.

Enough with Obama Already
I like Barack Obama. I really like him. He is a wonderful orator, thoughtful, insightful and has the makings of a Jack Kennedy. Someday he will make a wonderful President.

But not now. As the daughter of a Virginian, I know that the South will not elect a black man for President. At least not at this point in time.

Don’t believe me. Ask Harold Ford.

Emboldening Our Enemies
According to the White House and conservative talk media, just about everything we do emboldens our enemies.
  • If we leave Iraq.
  • If we don’t send in more troops.
  • If we don’t stand behind the President.
  • If we send the enemy a mixed message.
  • If we protest against the war.
I have a different school of thought.

We embolden our enemies by slaughtering their men, women, children.

We embolden our enemies by destroying their infrastructure and stealing their oil.

We embolden our enemies by spitting on their religion and demanding that they conform to American standards.

We embolden our enemy by staying in Iraq.

But since when has Bush listened to anything the American people have to say?


At 1/27/2007 11:00:00 AM, Blogger Elderta said...

It's like talking to the wind with that dude. He's the worst "Decisionmaker"... ever.

At 1/27/2007 12:19:00 PM, Blogger 5th Estate said...

From "Decider" to "Decisionmaker"?

Well that's a little closer to normal English. If he can just then master the hyphen by next year he'll have made significant progress in turning the corner and winning his war on English!

John McCain! He's a maverick, a loose cannon! He plays by his own rules, the rules of "Calvinball"!

Not Here, Not Now/Obama
Now this is the confluence of reality and politics.
I agree the forces against on the political right are considerable and would be focussed (that's the proper spelling by the way :D) against her.
On the other hand, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" Fuck em all, carpe diem, don't spare the horses! If you don;t support Hillary the terrorists win!

That said, I do share your concerns. However we are two years out. The mid-term election results and polls show a huge shift in public perception and knowledge. The media (very important!)isn't reflecting that as it should but it has changed a little ( not enough) and we have to watch how the MSM trends (no representaitve change or even a backlash).
But Hillary running as a Dem presidential candidate is no bad thing--she can draw fire. It depends on how she plays it and how the public recieves her "play". She should be prepared to "take one for the team" AND redistribute her funds to fellow Dems.

Research is essential but it will count most in 2009 and there's a lot to be said for aggression and conviction rather than relying solely on statistics.

As much as a black man or a woman as President would symbolize US acceptance of 21st-century rather than 18th-century principles, I share your pragmatic concerns. The 2008 elections will be about undoing the recent past as much or perhaps more than defining the future. What has been broken must be fixed before we can move on--and there is a lot that needs to be fixed.

Emboldening our Enemies

Your summation is perfect.
Isn't it interesting how the word "enemy" has taken such a comon place in public discourse? I think it began late 2001: "If you aren't with us, your'e against us" or if you aren;t our friend, you are our enemy.

At 1/28/2007 09:11:00 AM, Blogger InternetJunkie said...

As much as a black man or a woman as President would symbolize US acceptance of 21st-century rather than 18th-century principles, I share your pragmatic concerns. The 2008 elections will be about undoing the recent past as much or perhaps more than defining the future. What has been broken must be fixed before we can move on--and there is a lot that needs to be fixed.

Amen. My fear though is that any Democrat winning the presidency is walking into quicksand. It appears that Bush is going to keep the war going thru his term so that someone else gets the burden of 'airlifts out of Saigon'.

And until the Party finds a way of winning the presidency without the South, I believe that Hillary or Obama would fail in their quest. The nutjobs like Limbaugh are already labeling Obama as a "half-rican" and his parentage has been called into question.

Unlike the Europeans, we are still basically a nation of ignorant slobs who put race and faith before intelligence and vision.

At 1/28/2007 11:27:00 AM, Blogger eyedoc333 said...

That settles it.

IJ, you're going to have to run for president. I'll have my people call your people and we'll start caucusing...or maybe have lunch.

At 1/28/2007 05:23:00 PM, Blogger InternetJunkie said...

I don't think so.

I definitely have too many skeletons in my closet. Not to mention cats.

At 1/31/2007 10:56:00 PM, Blogger billie said...

a fellow cat lover :) and new yorker. it is too early to have any final decisions on the '08 elections. i am looking for someone who will keep the executive branch within its constitutional guidelines and not try to turn a democratic republic into a third world dictatorship. i don't think that that is too much to ask.


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