What Color is the Sky in BushWorld?
What is Patrick Fitzgerald smoking? Is there anyone on this planet who believes for one moment that if the jury finds I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby guilty of perjury that Libby will spend one day behind bars?The lame-duck Decider, holding the lowest ratings of any president in U.S. history, will not hesitate to grant Libby a pardon the moment a guilty verdict is announced. There is no way that Libby will be allowed the opportunity to turn evidence on his former boss, the Dark Lord, Dick Cheney. He would most likely end up in a swamp out in Virginia if he hinted of moving in that direction.
Too much time and preparation has been made well in advance of this verdict. The cloaking of all high crimes and misdemeanors committed by this White House began before September 11, 2001, and continues today. Provisions were made in the Patriot Act that allows the White House to replace federal judges without oversight. Presidential records from Reagan through Dubya have been made secret and can only be made public by their offspring because of an Executive Order signed by the chimpanator.
Even if Libby wanted to bear his soul and gain absolution, there is a darker force working in the Oval Office, and it isn’t Satan but I’m sure he could take a few tips from Cheney and Rove.