Thursday, February 01, 2007

Good Night Sweet Molly

I heard the news last night on my drive home. Molly Ivins, the champion of the left and Shrub's biggest pain in the side, has lost her battle with breast cancer.

As sad as this news is, it still didn't take the right long to jump on the story and turn loose their hate-filled venom.*

Here are a few of their sentiments on Molly's passing:

i'm glad she is dead. that "thing" did nothing but spew the same old worn out left wing slogans.

the world is now a better place. oh when will cancer take care of hillary?!?!

a sad case -- she couldn't help being ugly and stupid, but she could have kept her mouth shut and her fingers off the keyboard. good riddance.

all that liberal anger and rage against those not like her neocommunist self decayed molly from the inside out. hate kills.

you see molly, when you are so full of hate, the cheap way you attacked the president, no wonder you got cancer. the world is a better place without this vile witch!

sorry that she died of cancer, but i'd have to make the observation that there is now one less whining, bleating liberal.

I guess freedom of the press and standing up for truth and liberty goes against all they believe in. And they say we are the party of intolerance and hatred.

* (Hat tip to Steve Anderson at the Huffington Post)


At 2/01/2007 06:28:00 PM, Blogger eyedoc333 said...

You gotta love those compassionate conservatives.

At 2/02/2007 09:16:00 AM, Blogger billie said...

the right can't handle being wrong all of the time. perhaps someday they will advance from the 19th century into the 21st. but... i wouldn't count on it being anytime soon.


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